Monday, August 13, 2007

"Google Docs" is the future application

Did you ever try google docs & spreadsheet?
This is what I dreaming of. Doing my routine job from anywhere, anytime, any platforms, using open source technology, mean.. no license, free to use application, share my idea to my friends, discuss it, publish my works to web, although publish my articles to my blog symultaneously.

I had tried to do all my files with google, and that was exciting!
First of all, I done uploaded all my documents in my PC to
Then, I'd arranged them into my taylor-made folders
Sometimes I replaces my old documents updated with the new document directly from the internet, it was really cool guys!
Until my friends collaborates doing my project with me, we felt that google applications is the future applications in the universe! And... I also remember one term about they called Rich Internet Application. Yeah, that's google docs!
But, we gottta be patient, because until now, August 2007, the types of documents supported only text documents (*.doc, *.txt, *.rtf, *.odt) and spreadsheet (*.xls, *.ods, *.csv). Presentation documents (*.ppt, *.odi) not yet supported.

I hope google always serve us totally, just like working as easy as traditional desktop applications. That's we called "focus on services"! Bravo google! Bravo!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Start Working On The Foundation

Everyone got to be have a DREAM. But we got to remember about act and doing everything right from the beginning, think specific about it foundation. So, our idea build with the strongest perception, principle and consistence of motivation.
The phrase "Start Working On The Foundation" found in the wall of one of office in City of Jakarta.
It is also about a DREAM. They said:
"It is good building a castle in the sky, but start working on the foundation, now!"